testing will be held Thursday October 18, 2012 at Station 24. All personnel who
believe they are due to promote, and intend to test, must notify me via email no
later than 1700 October 12, 2012. Personnel who cannot make it to the test may
be granted a make-up date at the training division’s discretion.
In order to
test, personnel must have successfully completed the courses and requirement
booklets required for the rank in which they are testing for prior to the test
Testing will
begin promptly at 0900 in the training room. All personnel testing must be in
their duty uniform with short-sleeve dress shirt. Personnel are required to
bring at least two black ink pens and a calculator. No other items will be
permitted in the training room during testing. Unexcused absence, tardiness, or
failure to follow any of the directions in this memo will result in