Cover Photo by Joseph D.R. OLeary and his series entitled “Of Beards and Men.”
By Marty Skovlund, Jr.
Due to the comments on the American (lack of) strategy for dealing with ISIS the other day, there has been a flurry of activity on the news as well as social media questioning our government’s ability to handle foreign policy and national defense responsibilities. I couldn’t help but be instantly reminded of leadership lessons that I learned while serving in the Army, and how many in our nations leadership – whether they be Congressmen, Generals, or the Executive Branch – seem to not know or just willfully ignore some or all of these fairly simple leadership tenets. I don’t know if they have time in their schedule to step away from their spa treatments, golf outings, or partisan arguments to read these five simple leadership strategies, but I hope they do. It should be noted that I am not an executive leadership strategist, life coach, or Obi Wan Kenobi – I am just a guy with a beard on his face and a coffee (black) in his hand relaying to you what I was taught once upon a time:
When in charge, be in charge. It doesn’t matter what your position is, what your experience is, the rank on your chest or the certificates on your wall – if you are put in charge of something you damn well better take charge. Don’t try to please everyone (there are always going to be critics), and sure as hell don’t jerk the proverbial car off the road just because you had to take the wheel. It doesn’t matter who you are put in charge of, if they are actually better suited for the position than you, or how prepared you are for the task(s) at hand. A good leader doesn’t let those things deter him or her, because leadership skills are transferable to any situation or mission.